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Inco-Drilling means the Dutch limited companies Inco-Drilling B.V., Inco-Drilling Eastern Europe B.V. , Inco-Drilling North Europe B.V., Inco-Drilling South Europe B.V. and their respective shareholders, personnel and affiliates. Only the General Conditions of Work and Supply of Goods of Inco-Drilling, the latest version of which are dated 26 January 2021 (hereinafter “General Conditions of Work”) apply to all services and (other) work carried out by Inco-Drilling and to all legal relations between Inco-Drilling’s clients (of any tier)  and  Inco-Drilling. Inco-Drilling’s General Conditions of Work can be downloaded from its website at this link. Only the General Conditions for Rental of Equipment of Inco-Drilling, the latest version of which are dated 01 October 2021 (hereinafter “General Conditions for Rental of Equipment”) apply to all legal and contractual relations between Inco-Drilling’s suppliers, subcontractors (of any tier)  and  Inco-Drilling. Inco-Drilling’s General Conditions for Rental of Equipment can be downloaded from its website at this link.



Inco-Drilling hereby explicitly rejects applicability of all general terms and conditions other than those of Inco-Drilling. Any and all liability of Inco-Drilling is limited to the amount that is actually paid out by Inco-Drilling’s Combined General Liability insurance. In the event that Inco-Drillings’  Combined General Liability insurance, for whatever reason (including but not limited to an event that is not covered by the insurance policy and/or fault and/or negligence of Inco-Drilling and/or Inco-Drilling Group), does not pay out, any and all liability of Inco-Drilling shall be limited always to the price of the Purchase Order under or in connection with the claim aros.



The law of the Netherlands applies  to all legal relationships between Inco-Drilling and third parties (including Inco-Drilling’s clients,  suppliers and subcontractors of any tier) and to any disputes arising therefrom or connected thereto (hereinafter “Disputes”). The court of Rotterdam (location Rotterdam) shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to decide any and all Disputes.